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Legally Blonde:
The Musical

Music & Lyrics by Nell Benjamin & Laurence O'Keefe
Book by Heather Hach
Based on the novel by Amanda Brown & the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture


May 12- 28, 2017


Directed by TJ Lukacsina

Photos by John Cholod


Elle Woods - Lindsey Landry

Warner Huntington III - Stephen Foreman

Vivienne Kensington - Allison Bradbury

Emmett Forrest - Matt Wetzel

Professor Callahan - Ryan Geiger

Paulette - Michelle D. Vivino-Coleman

Serena - Kendall Nicole Sigman

Margot - Jennie Phelps

Pilar - Nia Smith

Brooke Wyndham - Summer Hill

Kate - Erica Loy

Gaelen - Briana Rosen

Daphne - Magali Palmer-Young

Whitney/ TV Reporter - Libby Burgess

Enid Hoops - Parker Bailey Steven

Aaron Schultz - John Carter

Sundeep Padamadan - Jordan Essex

Nikos/ Pforzheimer - Michael Nugent

Carlos/ Lowell - Johnny Dunkerly

Grandmaster Chad/ Kiki - Michael Weiss

Judge/ Store Manager - Rachel Weir

Courtney/ Stenographer - Kristen Zwobot

D.A. Joyce/ Jet Blue Rep - Kelly Dobkins

Chutney/ Phoebe - Amy Haynes

Kyle - Rob White

Dad/ Winthrop/ Dewey - R. Brett Rohrer

Mom - Lauren Tobiason

Bruiser - Biscuit Boo Bradbury

Rufus - Olive Anne Landry


Director  - TJ Lukacsina

Associate Director  - Christopher Kabara

Co-Music Directors - Nathan C. Scavilla and Michael Wolfe 

Choreographer - Rikki Lacewell

Stage Manager - Taylor Washington

Set Designer - TJ Lukacsina

Set Construction Lead - Alex Porter

Properties Designer - Ande Kolp 

​Lighting Designer - Lana Riggins

Sound Designer - Alex Porter

Sound Operator - Ethan Hogarty

Costume Designer - Andrew Malone

Wig Designer - Tommy Malek

Makeup Designer - Jaqueline Maranville

Vocal Coach - William D'Eugenio
Production Photographer -  Ana Johns

Producer - Jeremy Goldman



Review: Legally Blonde at Silhouette Stages

May 15, 2017


Silhouette Stages' 'Legally Blonde' passes the bar

May 19, 2017

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Review: ‘Legally Blonde The Musical’ at Silhouette Stages

May 14, 2017

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Theatre Review: ‘Legally Blonde the Musical’ at Silhouette Stages

May 14, 2017



May 15, 2017


MD Theatre Guide
Top 5 Shows of the Week



  • #3 Show

Week of May 17, 2017


10400 Cross Fox Lane, Columbia, Maryland 21044, USA

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Silhouette Stages, Inc. is funded in part by the Howard County Arts Council's Community Arts Development Grant Program, the Howard County Government, and the Maryland State Arts Council.


Silhouette Stages, Inc has been a proud member of WATCH since 2018.


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