Anything Goes
Music and Lyrics by Cole Porter
Book by Guy Bolton, P.G. Wodehouse, Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse
March 8-24, 2019
Directed by Connie Trump Ross
Photos by Russel Wooldridge

Reno Sweeney - Robyn Bloom
Billy Crocker - Jim Gross
Hope Harcourt - Rebecca Hanauer
Sir Evelyn Oakleigh - Ryan Geiger
Mrs. Harcourt - Heidi Toll
Eli Whitney - Bill Pond
Moonface Martin - Todd Hochkeppel
Bonnie - Maddie Bohrer
Bishop Henry T. Dobson - Michael Cornell
Captain - Douglas A. Thomas
Purser - Lawrence Custis
Bishop Henry T. Dobson - Michael Cornell
Convert Lucy - Amelia Bonistalli
Convert Mary - Dana Bonistalli
Charity - Lisa Rigsby
Chastity - Marcie Price
Purity - Maggie Mellott
Virtue - Triana McCorkle
Devine - Abby McDonough
Harmony - Miranda Snyder
Prudence - Tori Worth
Christine Benkoski, Brent Benkoski, Michael Cornell, Angel Duque, Stephanite Gertler, Katrina Grove, James Morgan, Kate Plough, Maggie Walker
Director - Conni Trump Ross
Music Director - William George
Choreographer - Tina De Simone
Stage Manager - Donna Hawkes
Assistant Stage Manager - Robyn Levy
Set Designers - Alex Porter
Properties Designers - Jessie Krupin
Lighting Designer - Mark Scanga
Sound Designers - Alex Porter
Costume Designer - Tommy Malek
Make Up and Hair - Tommy Malek
Production Photographer - Russel Wooldridge